Wow…what powerful quotes! I was moved to discuss and share these topics because my purpose for blogging is to bring awareness to your current situation. I encourage you to think about what you want most out of this life and ask yourself, are you currently living this life or are you suppressing it? As you take inventory of your life…write down the blessings and the challenges you have endured along your lifelovemarriagedivorce journey. Ask yourself-what have I learned from those experiences? What would I do differently today compared to what I did then? And as you look at your response, ask yourself what do I really want and do I have the courage to rid myself of anything that is distracting or obstructing me in achieving this goal? We know that things happen for different reasons and we don’t get any do-overs as our journeys are needed to mold us into who we are to become but we can experience what we want a lot sooner if we listen to our God given intuition.
For instance, there were many times I asked God to give me wisdom about my marriage or other situations and He replied but because it didn’t make logical sense to me or His response was going to challenge me or take me out of my comfort zone, I didn’t listen. I continued to do what made sense to me but I would soon return to Him in prayer. Have you ever noticed that many stories in the bible don’t make logical sense but it’s when we move our logical sense out of the way and implement our faith sense is when God shows up and shows out in our life; basically our faith sense activates His power. Once I got tired of my habitual pattern of trying to do it my way, I surrendered and said Jesus take the wheel and this is when my transformation began. I released myself from the guilt, the shame, the imprisonment of placing too much concern of trying to live up to an imaged life. Now don’t get me wrong a lot of what was seen in the public eye with my ex was real, there was love and camaraderie but it was inconsistent; most likely because communication dissolved which was due to not being authentic to the true self. If you are not living as your TRUE self-you really won’t stay with anyone for long. And for the record…many of us get physical presence confused with emotional presence and there is a difference. I am an advocate for marriage and relationships be it personal or professional. However, the truth is that many people are living inauthentic lives with their mates, coworkers, and family members; and chose to live up to the expectations of others instead of being honest about their truths, wants, and desires of the heart. For many of us living a life that appease others may bring joy and if this is the case then by all means live that life but if you find yourself in conflict realize that no matter how hard you try to deny the true self, your heart always knows what’s real and what it truly wants.
My lifelovemarriagedivorce journey has taught me so many valuable lessons about being my authentic self. I once suppressed my true self and I am sure my ex may say the same for various reasons but thank God we don’t have to live that life anymore. I can’t express the joy that I have in releasing myself of the fears & doubts that stood in the way of living a life that I truly want and deserve; this want has and will always be peace of mind, true love, and genuine happiness. I welcome challenges for they build and improve faith but living a life of unnecessary pain due to a lack of authenticity is not living. Many of you can attest to currently living a life of inconsistent happiness, an imaged life,or appeasing others by denying your true self. Eventually the true self gets tired of suppressing what it wants so it’s best to communicate those wants as soon as possible. For those of you who can relate to this message and have crossed over to the other side of growth thru your LLMD journey…I applaud you and for those of you who are trying to get there…it may be time to find courage and be honest about the life you want to live! Remember this God loves you and He already knows what you truly want so trust where He leads!
Until the next blog,
Blessings & Love!