
July Moments! Happy Birthday to Me!🎂

Have you ever taken a moment to sit still and think about life? Do you think about the moments you let pass by? The moments your body was present but your mind couldn’t be still enough due to work, stress or whatever held you captive at that time. We can all attest to being so busy that we missed valuable moments of  precious time that we can’t get back. Now that we can admit to […]

Sometimes we can let people get under our skin and affect us in an unhealthy and undesirable way. What I realize is that it’s best to allow people to be who they are but don’t let them interfere with who you are or who you are becoming.  I am sure you have experienced regret in letting someone push your buttons and cause you to lose your cool.  Unfortunately, you fell for the transfer of energy […]

April & May Re-Read & Recognize Your Growth!

Hello LLMD Family, Sending warm regards to your and yours! I would like for you to take time in April & May and reread one of your favorite LLMD Blogs. As you reread the blog that speaks to your heart most, notice how much you have grown within the time frame of that original post. Acknowledge where you are in your daily continuance and intentionality of forgiveness, self love, vulnerability and self improvement in specific […]

It’s Spring Cleaning Time!

Hello & Welcome to the month of March, in which Spring Break and Spring Cleaning normally occurs. Many of us begin deep cleaning our homes and getting rid of clothing we no longer wear. Many of us also look forward to returning to gardening. The blossoming of plants and flowers in and around our homes creates great joy and beauty. There’s a healing, relaxation and rejuvenation component associated to connecting with Mother Earth as we […]

Embrace Transition and Welcome the Butterfly Stage

Wow it’s already February! It’s Black History Month and it’s also the month we celebrate love. As we acknowledge the contributions African Americans have made to this country and their perspective communities, let’s think about our own contributions and the communities we serve. In addition, let’s prioritize loving ourselves by embracing our different stages of life. As we get older and life evolves into the next stage, it can be a tad overwhelming. You may be […]