Have you ever taken a moment to sit still and think about life? Do you think about the moments you let pass by? The moments your body was present but your mind couldn’t be still enough due to work, stress or whatever held you captive at that time. We can all attest to being so busy that we missed valuable moments of  precious time that we can’t get back. Now that we can admit to letting those moments pass us by, moving forward we can make a promise to be present. Life is precious and time is limited so we must make every moment count. Instead of hastily jumping out of the bed without gratitude when we open our eyes in the morning, let’s intentionally pause and appreciate that opening our eyes is a blessing.
July is my birthday month and each year that I am blessed to see another birthday, I reminisce about the moments that occurred in the past year; the lessons and growth of what I learned and who I became from those valuable moments. I look forward with great expectation and gratitude to what the upcoming year will bring, the improvements that I will be able to implement and the opportunity to be present in each moment that new experiences and blessings bring.  I encourage and invite you to join me in inhaling & exhaling so that you are present in each moment you’re blessed to participate in. Reflect on the joy that past moments bought to your heart, be grateful for all lessons and welcome new lessons that will create new moments. Meet new people, gather with dear friends, take the scheduled trip but more importantly take the spontaneous trips because those moments give life; so enjoy every single moment you can! That’s exactly what I plan to do as I thank God for another blessed moment to say Happy Birthday to Me!
Until the Next Blog,
Blessings & Love!