I was thinking about all of things that I have been told, the advice, the counsel, the negative and the positive. I recall the things I either told myself or how I failed by allowing the opinion of others remain on repeat in my mind. It amazes me how we allow a person’s lack of knowledge, wisdom and judgement define who we are based on their limited insight, conflicting issues and lack of love for themselves become the standard of which we measure our value and worth. Why would one believe or listen to any words of advice that are destructive, unkind or fail to encourage. Words of wisdom usually come from people who care about the well being of others. People who have an intimate, mature, love relationship with the Lord will remind you of the wise words and promises of God.
I remember wise words my dad shared with me when I was going through my divorce. He wanted me to know that sometimes people have a youthful way of handling mature situations and based on where this person is along their life and faith journey they may have a boyish/youthful understanding of the severity and consequences caused by the choices they make; and if they choose to travel down a less than desirable path, there is nothing you can do but pray and trust God for what’s next because “there is a difference between a man and a boy.” I will add that there’s also a difference between a girl and a womanly maturity in handling situations.
The truth I heard on that day was this too shall pass and you will be just fine because you are a woman, a woman whose faith is in God not a man or boy. Those words of wisdom and the prayer that accompanied the conversation were wise. I share this story because what and who you receive wise words from matters. Surround yourself with people who encourage and want to see you thrive from whatever challenge you”ll endure during your LifeLoveMarriageDivorce journey. Although, I am blessed to have a wonderful father, my number one source of wisdom comes from the word of God and the Holy Spirit who guides in the wisdom and truth of Christ. I encourage you to develop a faithful and loving relationship with God because His words are full of encouragement. The moment you align your thoughts with God, He will connect you to those who are aligned with Him in spirt and truth. You will have a peace that surpasses all understanding and bitterness won’t consume your heart because you understand that words from a boy or girl are definitely different from the wise words of a woman/man who walks with the Lord!
Until the Next Blog,
Blessing & Love!